Fix Your Bicycle Repair Workshop

1. Jun. 2024

What could be nicer than riding your bike through the city on warm summer evenings? Does your trusty bike need a little maintenance after many rides over hill, dale and asphalt?

The Leihlager is once again offering a popular bike repair workshop as part of its workshop series. Here you can find out from Jessi and Emi, who have already built several bikes themselves or had to repair defects within minutes at the bike courier service, how you can carry out simple repairs on your bike yourself. To get straight down to work, you will have tools from the Leihlager at your disposal. And if you need a break in between: find out more about repairing and sustainability and enjoy a refreshing drink.

If you need additional material, a limited amount (e.g. hoses or screws) is available on site at a favourable cost.

A workshop organised by the Leihlager as part of the “Empowerment for a just future” series.

Max. Participants:8
Price:CHF 25